Friday, July 3, 2015

Fantastic FlairTastic Friday!!!

Every Friday though the summer months we will bring you a new idea/concept using flair. Your not going to want to miss these fun posts! These ideas will come from not only our designers but also super neat flairtastic ideas we find from our customers and other talented papercrafters. Make sure that when you share any of your projects on Instagram or Facebook using flair, that you tag it #FlairTasticFriday. You just might see your own photo featured here on our blog!
Super fun finds today on the blog ….we are going to be showing you different ways to display all the exciting flair that we have from this wonderful Design Team and other ideas that I found on Pinterest!!!
I am up first with all the fun goodies I found:

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I just loved all the different ways that people used picture frames as pieces of art with displaying their flair …such wonderful idea to display all the fun flair from the store!!!
Found on
wedding decor ,Heart canvas ,Hoop , Frame it!!!

I can’t wait to share with you all the exciting things we have planned in the next few weeks including a HUGE shop update! Foil Flair is coming and you will LOVE our Pickle Planner Flair! SO much more cute things too. It is going to be a very exciting month ahead! Stop by The Crafty Pickle Etsy Shop if you haven’t been by recently. We will be releasing a few little things between now and our next big release. Taniesa is very very busy this week making that flair and filling all the orders that she received this week!!

Dont forget to use the hashtag #FlairTasticFriday to play along with us!
Wait until you see what we have in store for you next week!
Till Then….